How To Improve Your Emotional Health

A year into this pandemic, I think it’s safe to say that everyone’s emotional health is not at an all time high. That’s putting it lightly. Well, when one of my sister’s co-workers, who is a nurse, approached me about the topic, I knew right away that I wanted to put together a resource to help everyone improve their emotional health- especially healthcare workers.

I created a three-part, weekly series called the Emotional Health Recharge. Each week, I sat down with a different guest that shared a technique that they use to help improve their emotional health. Each of them explained a quick, easily applicable tactic that could immediately be incorporated into anyone’s daily routine.

I have to say, I found each of the techniques that were shared to be super easy to incorporate into my day, and extremely effective at lowering my stress, and improving my overall emotional state. Below is a summary of what each of my guest’s and I talked about, as well as links to watch the recordings.

Session 1 w/ Katie Doyle

In the first session of The Emotional Health Recharge, Katie Doyle (Holistic Health and Wellness Coach) and I talked about workplace wellness and establishing your own wellness routine. Katie also walked us through a quick guided meditation you can incorporate into your daily routine to release tension and focus on your body.

Session 2 w/ Kate Griffith

Today, Kate Griffith and I talked about the power and benefits of breath work. Kate talked about the power of our breath, and shared several breathing techniques that can be used anywhere, any time you need them.

Session 3 w/ Jen Navaro

We ended the Emotional Health Recharge on a high note today. Intuitive Live Coach, Jen Navaro, taught us her emotional processing technique that you can use any time you’re experiencing any heavy emotions. The technique only takes a few minutes, and it totally helps you acknowledge the emotion you’re feeling and process and deal with it effectively so it doesn’t consume you. Just watch the video – it blew my mind!

Emotional Health Recharge Re-Cap

The Emotional Health Recharge was designed to give people techniques they could implement into their daily lives to help improve their emotional health. I had three amazing guests that each shared a technique they use. I’ve made a quick recap video of each of the techniques that you can view here. I hope this helps everyone. If you find it helpful at all, please share, especially with any health care workers you may know.

Please show some love:

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