The true COVID-19 pandemic is Selfishness

My heart is heavy after hearing what happened in my home state of Michigan yesterday.  Although, honestly, it’s not just Michigan, but the country as a whole. This is such a scary time.  Nothing is certain, and so many people are resorting to anger. People always want to play the victim, and the protest in Michigan perfectly illustrated how the true COVID-19 pandemic is selfishness.

What happened

If you’re not yet aware, the situation in Michigan, Southeast Michigan more specifically, has reached an extreme level.  Michigan is ranked third in the country for cases and deaths due to COVID-19, only behind New York and New Jersey. In response, the governor extended the stay at home order.  What did thousands of residents do? They threw a tantrum.

In the middle of a global pandemic, people decided to disregard everything they’ve been asked to do, gather in a large group (without protective gear), and yell. The fact that these people have so much anger in their hearts that they would go to the lengths that they went to just to try and prove a point, makes me so sad.  I’m sorry you feel that lashing out is the only way to make a difference.

Your actions this week did not have any type of positive effect.  You did not exercise your right of freedom of speech or the right to assemble.  All that your gathering did was demonstrate your complete lack of compassion and concern for others, and highlight just how selfish people can be. Showing up to protest, blocking the streets, and keeping ambulances and healthcare workers from getting to the hospital.  Shame on you.

The reality

We live in a country where we are afforded so much freedom that people have become entitled to what they are naturally given.  We feel we’re owed the opportunity to do whatever we please, and in many cases, we can. However, there are certain rules and restrictions that we all abide by every day that no one seems to have a problem with.

We’re not allowed to steal from others, we can’t drive however and wherever we want, and we’re certainly not allowed to kill people.  You can’t show up to work late, and you can’t walk around naked in public. At least not without consequences. There are rules to being a functioning member of society. Those rules are set in place to protect people. This is no different. 

Normally the rules are that you can’t murder or steal.  Right now, it’s that you’re not allowed to gather, you have to wear a mask in public, and you aren’t able to work or travel.  Some people think this as outrageous and a violation of their rights. I think you’re confusing your civil rights with comfort and convenience.  They are very much NOT the same, so please understand the difference.

It’s not about you

It’s obvious that you feel these restrictions are being put in place to punish you or rob you of your rights.  It’s actually quite the opposite. They are being enforced in an effort to protect as many people as possible. I’m sorry if you can’t see that.  Adults can think rationally and make informed decisions, and clearly, we’re in a sea of children.

It makes me so sad to see so many people making this about them.  How THEY’VE been negatively impacted by the pandemic. Make no mistake, you’re not the only one feeling the effects. We are all feeling it.  I can sympathize with anyone having a difficult time, but I REFUSE to feel sorry for you for your brilliant show of selfishness and lack of compassion.

I’ve seen people on social media complaining that they need to get back to work so that they can pay their bills.  I know you’re stressed about money. So am I. And so are 22 million other people. Please remember, it could always be worse.  You could be one of the unlucky ones fighting for their life instead of complaining from the couch. Imagine that.

Who do we blame?

Everyone is quick to point fingers and blame others for what is happening.  It has to be somebody’s fault, right? If there’s someone that we can blame, then we don’t have to be the one to take responsibility when the shit hits the fan and things don’t go as planned.  It makes us feel safe.

The thing is, we’re all human.  Everyone is doing the best they can with the hand they’ve been dealt. We may not agree with the way certain things are being handled, but we also have to remember that this situation has never happened before.  In our lifetime, we’ve never had to go up against an unknown virus that has killed over 150,000 people in a matter of months.

The people in charge are doing the best they can and making decisions based on what they feel is best for everyone.  Not YOU. The population as a whole. I know everyone is concerned about their future. I am as well. But if you could make a small sacrifice in an effort to potentially save local businesses, keep people from getting sick, or even dying, why wouldn’t you want to do that?

If you think the lengths that the people in power are going to in an effort to get this situation under control are overkill, you’re wrong.  Those of you who think you know better, you don’t. If you’ve never had to make decisions that affect millions of people before, and if you’re not one of the people taking care of those that have contracted this virus, then your job is to sit down and do as you’re told.

I’m not a healthcare professional, and I’m thankful for that.  My sister is a nurse in the ICU, and I’ve heard the stories of just what this virus is capable of doing to young, healthy people.  If you think this can’t happen to you, don’t be fooled.

Everything you do makes a difference

This may fall onto deaf ears, but I really hope it doesn’t.  I hope that your will to “exercise your rights” doesn’t lead to you or one of your family members contracting the virus.  I hope you don’t have to experience what it feels like to be told you’re being placed on a ventilator. To lose a loved one, or have the thought that maybe you could have done more.

Instead of blaming others and complaining, why not focus your energy on doing something that will ACTUALLY help the situation?  Spend time with your family. Call your friends & relatives. Help your elderly neighbors. Volunteer to help organizations (virtually even).  Every little bit helps. If you continue to put yourself above others, this whole thing is going to last that much longer.

Please take a moment and think about how your actions affect others.  This is not about you, or me. It’s about everyone. It’s about doing what you can to help and make a positive difference. Think about the businesses that are suffering and being forced to close because of this.  Or the hospitals that are running out of equipment and protective gear, and the ripple effects of it all.

As of now, our only defense is social distancing.  If you want all of this to be over, stay home. Every time someone decides that they are above all of this, it only extends the length of time we’ll have to continue this way.  Based on what’s happening around the country, it’s clear the true COVID-19 pandemic is selfishness. You think it’s not true? Prove me wrong.

Please show some love:

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